hi "wireless"

strange this emails popped up...

i need to install a wireless between two bldgs in SF tooo...
( never done that or know what to do....any input/horror stories/success
  stories is helpful

I've checked the yahoo listings and found some comparasons and 
availability of equipment etc..etc..
    ( www.ydi.com is a noteworthy site )

    t1/t3 antenni, pcmcia cards, lasers, etc...

There is also a currently operating wireless t1 (non-profit) project going
on in the mountain tops around silicon valley... ( a policy meeting 
and directions and inputs etc...meeting this sat....
( www.sbay.net if you're interested )


On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Hagen Finley wrote:

> I've installed Breezecom for the San Francisco Zoo in several locations and
> it has performed very well. Unfortunately, the Access Point is around $1250
> wholesale and the Station adapter is around $650. Your 300 ft line of sight
> is well within specs, and you would probably see around 3Mbs between your
> computers. But for $2000 I would think it would make more sense to get your
> own DSL. I am not familiar with any wireless systems that are substantially
> cheaper, but that certainly doesn't mean they don't exist.
> Kind regards,
> Hagen Finley
> Longs Drugs
> Walnut Creek, CA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Aaron
> Solochek
> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 7:45 PM
> To: debian- user
> Subject: wireless suggestions
> A friend and I want to connect our lan's via wireless ethernet and then
> split a DSL.  Our houses are less than 300 ft apart, probably around
> 280ft, with line of sight.  We are looking to do this as cheaply as
> possible.  Anyone with any suggestions for methods and/or products
> I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer.  I know this isn't
> really a debian question, but I figure we'll use debian routers on each
> end, to make this post more relavent :)
> -Aaron Solochek
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