On 01/10/00, Arcady Genkin addressed "Re: Can't boot from a second harddrive (repost)": > I tried all kinds of things, including manually specifying config > file. I do boot off floppy (takes about 7 minutes to boot), but the
If it's acceptable to you, you should be able to tell LILO to install onto a floppy, so that the kernel and boot partition you specify are used. This should only take a few seconds, then the boot process is transferred completely to your selected kernel/partition. At least it would let you work in the mean time. You didn't change any hardware configuration, cmos parameters, etc. did you? Jesse -- Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor [EMAIL PROTECTED] Grace Lutheran Church (ELS) http://www.jvlnet.com/~jjacobsen/ Madison, Wisconsin GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13