OK, so I spoke too soon...  I managed to get glide working last night, but
only in software mode.  I still can't get it to recognize my Voodoo2 Black
Magic 3D card for hardware acceleration.

Last night I was working with the rpms and raw source from linux.3dfx.com.
Today I pulled the new Potato device-3dfx-source, libglide2-v2, and
glide2-base debs from Debian.org.  Either way, I get the same error:

gd error (glide): _GlideInitEnvironment: libglide2x.so expected Voodoo, none

/dev/3dfx exists with permissions 666, major 107, minor 0, just like it
should be.  libglide2-v2 says that it's the version of libglide intended for
Voodoo2 cards.

Anyone have any experience with the Black Magic cards?  Anybody not know the
card, but have some ideas anyhow?

Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P+>+++ L++>++++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI++++ D G e* h+ r++ y+

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