> If I format a floppy in DOS, then just copy IO.SYS A:\ (and then
> command.com), it boots.  When I do the same under Linux, it won't.  What I
> need is to get a win9x hard drive partition bootable while running off a
> Linux boot disk.  It has been mentioned that I need a proper boot sector. 
> How exactly do I get it (i.e. what do I put in the bs= and count= fields
> in dd, and do I use raw disk (sda) or partition(sda1), etc, etc?)

I would try:

mkfs -t msdos /dev/name_of_device

And then copy the windoze files to the partition and make it bootable from

Please, anyone let know if that was utter nonsense....


Bluestream The Flying Elephant. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
`Anyone who is disturbed by the idea of newts
in a nightclub is potentially dangerous.' Zappa

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