
I've just tried to install the new Debian Woody Linux
over the old Debian Potato. Having backed up my important
files I decided to install from scratch as I encountered
problems when trying to upgrade certain packages (there
were too many dependencies on old libraries and packages
that I gave it up).

But, the reason I write this is that I have also been
faced up to another type of problem, namely a problem
with installation of the new system. I attach the dbg_log.tgz
file to ease the resolution of my problem.

I would be grateful for your prompt answer as the problem
left me speechless (I had no problems with installing
the older Debian Potato).


Piotr Pudelko


A  R  I  S  T  O  S             Tel: +48 607 587 515
ul. Piesza 6                         +48 33 828 1670
PL-43300 Bielsko-Biala          Fax: +48 33 828 1671

Attachment: dbg_log.tgz
Description: application/compressed

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