
for the sake of knowing how to do such thigns, I'd like to turn off some services that I feel comprimise my server security, and aren't being used.

with portscan, this is what I get from a non-local host.
9 -> discard
13 -> daytime
*21 -> ftp
*22 -> ssh
*23 -> telnet
*25 -> smtp
37 -> time
53 -> domain
79 -> finger
*80 -> www
*110 -> pop-3
111 -> sunrpc
113 -> auth
512 -> exec
513 -> login
514 -> shell
515 -> printer

the ones with the *'s are the things I KNOW I need...I'm sure there are others that I need.

the most annoying one is the sunrpc...i've tried renaming portmap, and restarting inetd, but it's still there.

thanks for any help!

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