I would like to here from anyone using a Mustek 1200ED scanner with Linux. It works beautifully with Windows, but my productions system is Linux and I want to get it working there. Hardware setup is: extra parrallel ports added via a SIIG 2 PCI dual port card. I think the linux system recognizes them as ttyS1 and ttyS2 I am certain that ttyS0 is the serial com port. It also recognizes lpt0, the onboard parrallel port, as parport0 because of the kernel config. My scanner is plugged into this SIIG2 card on ttyS0. The Lexmark printer is attached to the scanner. This is the correct setup for windows. Any suggestions for getting this working correctly are appreciated -- AdVance-Computing Systems
We sell fine quality servers and workstations. We specialize in multiprocessor units. We install Debian Linux at no extra charge! John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ# 19460173