to make it easy, get a new soundcard :)

can get one for maybe $15-20 bux or $10-12 bux if you want areal cheap one
(sb16 or s3 sonic vibes..


On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Kent West wrote:

westk >Ian Stirling wrote:
westk >
westk >> Jon Hughes wrote:
westk >>
westk >> > has anyone managed to get a SB PCI 128 to work?  any
westk >> > help would be appreciated, thanks
westk >>
westk >> PCI 128 cards come in various types. I used a Gateway
westk >> OEM version which has an es1373 on it. The es1371
westk >> driver works. You might have to use the es1370 driver
westk >> depending on what's on your card.
westk >>
westk >> For the es1371 driver, add the following lines to
westk >> /etc/conf.modules
westk >>
westk >> alias char-major-14 es1371
westk >> alias sound es1371
westk >>
westk >> That's all I had to do on my slink system.
westk >>
westk >> I sent my Gateway OEM card back though because it was
westk >> incompatible with Creative's Windows applications!
westk >> ( had a bit of a dispute with them but it worked out
westk >> in my favour ).  I replaced it with a retail version
westk >> of the SB Live Platinum.
westk >>
westk >> Ian
westk >>
westk >
westk >This is Kent, not Jon.
westk >
westk >I have had problems with my ES1371. Have wrestled with it off-an-on for 
half a year.
westk >I can get some sound, but it's scratchy and unreliable, kind of like if 
an IRQ is set
westk >wrong. I'm new enough to Linux to be green with such things, but when I 
looked in my
westk >/etc/conf.modules, I saw the following entry:
westk >alias char-major-14 soundcore
westk >
westk >I did not see the entries you mentioned. So I put those entries that you 
westk >in, and commented out the "soundcore" entry already in the file. Then I 
did a "rmmod
westk >es1371" and "rmmod soundcore", then did "insmod sound" and got a message 
that the
westk >sound module was not found."
westk >
westk >So I undid all my changes and will ignore sound capabilities for another 
few weeks
westk >until it becomes more important to me again, unless of course you have a 
westk >that might solve my problem.
westk >
westk >Thanks!
westk >
westk >
westk >
westk >
westk >-- 
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westk >

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