hi ya george/et.al

i think that debian might or might not suffer the same fate as all
the other linux's....
        - being absorbed into a commercial company or not ...
        ( at least the major players will be...

- linux could also become the "shareware/freeware" compared to old world of
  dos/windows that eventually became microsoft... ( why  ?? )
        - can the same models/principles be applied to linux's future worth ??

- granted that linux came out of the "open environment" ( 
shareware/freeware/gpl )...
  can it grow from here ???? I think it can..

- i contend that "Debian Inc" ( aka all linux distro Inc ) is ( can be ) a 
bigger company
  than Microsoft.....and definitely bigger than the nwo public redhat...

- "linux inc" is based on the authors and their passions...NOT the $$$ size of 
the company...
  though $$$ does have a major influence on peoples decision making power..

- i think most of you know of some web-baed IPOs and  other "open IPO" and
  i think it will be the direction of next growth...
        - why settle for 100 or 1000 shares that they give you ???
        when the authors created linux and the VCs walk away with billions of 

i think "linux community" is lacking a "professional quality management team"
backed by (not-greedy) VCs.... and than "linux community" is already(?) a
bigger progamming/qa/r-n-d staff compared to microsoft's programming team...

anybody else that feels strongly about other people capitalizing on linux...
lets all ban together and get some of that "linux ipo $$$" floating around for
the next few years ??

- sorry if this was off topic... just want to make sure linux survives "as is"
- and have the necessary muscle to fight back when needed...
-       ducking for cover as needed.... :-)

have fun linuxing...

> George Bonser wrote:
> > Embracing commercial software at first is the path to eventually winning.
> > Let the commercial vendors in ... let them penetrate deep into linux. Then
> > surround and destory them with free alternatives once you have them
> > committed to your platform or convince them of the benefit of opening up
> > the development of their applications through example.
> > 
> Am I alone in believing the battle is between empowerment and
> profit? Between an interactive computer operating system, and a
> basically non-interactive proprietary one?
> GNU/Linux to me and a few others is unique because of this
> empowerment. 
> > You can win every single battle and cost yourself the war if the opponent
> > declares victory and leaves the field. Commercial applications attract
> > more people to Linux. More bright people with a lot of experiance. This
> > gives the movement the chance to benefit from the expertise of these
> > people in that they will contribute to the improvement of the software
> > that IS open sourced.
> > 
> Again - the point is not Linux vs. the other guys, but
> empowerment vs. restrictive profit driven software.
> Why is GNU/Linux so good? Because it is faster etc. etc.? No -
> because it gives us choice; the ability to understand it and
> alter it. And also distribute it without restrictions.
> > Bottom line is that there are a lot of good people out there in industry
> > and Linux (and Debian) need them a lot more than they need Linux at this
> > point in time. If that can be changed so that they DEPEND on Linux,
> > getting their input to improving it is a lot easier. I say go ahead, let
> > them in. We will change them a lot more than they will change us.
> The bottom line is that free software is both better in computing
> terms and better in social terms. The battle is to win people
> over to the principles of free software - not forsake those
> principles in order to have *Linux* beat Windoze at its own game.
> I repeat, it is not *Linux* (as many people mistakenly call it)
> which is important - it's free software.
> Debian is important because it is free software - it just happens
> to be the best GNU/Linux distro around, perhaps because the
> developers care more about getting it right than they do about
> profit or even *beating windoze*. That is, because they are
> motivated by something other than market forces.
> -- 
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