David Blackman wrote:

>       Lately I've been thinking about forking Debian, into DWA,
>meaning Debian Without Attitude. We'll drop the attitude, and the
>pretenses, about what Free means, and get licensing deals with Corel,
>Netscape, and Sun, to include Wordperfect, Communicator, and
>Staroffice. We'll make the install process less cryptic, include
>non-free on the CD  and forget the Debian philosophy, that the only
>way to learn is by doing it the hard way.

I happen to like Debian *With* Attitude. It fills a very important niche in
the Linux ecosystem, and if Debian changed in the way you want it to then it
would be necessary IMHO to reinvent it under another name. If people want a
glitzy distribution with all the semi- and fully-commercial software
included they already have plenty to choose from, some of them based on
Debian. If Debian stops trying to implement the free software ideal (even as
imperfectly as it does), what will take its place? *Something* will have to,
because there are simply too many people out there who think the ideal is
actually worth pursuing. Like me.


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