On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, JB Popnoe wrote: jbp534 >using common CD module - got all the way to install CDROM and msg - jbp534 >CDROM not mounted successfully -- System is ancient 486/66 with a jbp534 >HD 1.5 gig CDROM is working as I then loaded from CD with INSTALL jbp534 >again got all the way to CDROM not mounted ?????????
Those kinds of drives are a nightmare to work with. last time i installed on a 486, i grabbed the I/O address of the cdrom controller from win* and passed it along to the kernel module..worked fine after that. if you dont have win* maybe you could install *dos and install the dos drivers for that cdrom and grab the i/o address from it, usually drivers show the i/o and irq settings when they load. jbp534 >Kind Soul -- E-mail or landline . Present Status is I am jbp534 >trying to install jbp534 >with DOS partition & balance for Linux.. JB Popnoe jbp534 >Carpinteria, CA. i hope you change email clients too that was a pain to read. nate ----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-- Vice President Network Operations http://www.firetrail.com/ Firetrail Internet Services Limited http://www.aphroland.org/ Everett, WA 425-348-7336 http://www.linuxpowered.net/ Powered By: http://comedy.aphroland.org/ Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP http://yahoo.aphroland.org/ -----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-- 10:05pm up 107 days, 9:47, 3 users, load average: 2.33, 1.89, 1.69