I've a few minor problems with man. To start with, I'm using SVGATextMode. My screen is set to 116x60. However, whenever I view a man page with man, it reformats the page to 80 columns wide, and justifies it.
I'm using slink, with most of the core upgraded to potato. When I was in Redhat before (LinuxPPC R5), man would always reformat the pages to the appropriate width-- even in xterms of various sizes. I've upgraded man to the latest version (a short walk), but it still reformats to 80 columns. Where is this setting and how do I change it? I've tried to add the .ll and .pl lines to /usr/share/groff/tmac/man.local, and it works-- though it makes viewing man pages in X difficult--, but I then end up with a screenful of empty space before each man page. This is, I think, because of the page breaks (???) that man inserts into the manpages, including a footer containing the date, the version of man and the page number, and a header containing the manpage reference and its proper name. (Since I'm viewing the pages onscreen, these page breaks are thoroughly unnecessary.) These page breaks do have a tendency to create a whole new page composed of one or two widowed lines. (Looking at the header&footer, I'm reminded of the ones that pr inserts by default into files it's processing.) How do I make it so that man no longer inserts these headers & footers? Served with a smile, -- Kerne