On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 03:12:39PM +0000, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > > CGA:   640 X 200 (8*8 font, 80chars * 25 lines)
> > > DCGA:  640 X 400 (8*16 font, 80chars * 25 lines)
> > > VGA:   640 x 480
> > > SVGA:  800 x 720
> > > XGA:  1024 x 768
> > > SXGA  1280 x1024 
> > > UXGA: 1600 x1440
> > 
> [snip]
> On a slightly different note, is there much point in going to the higher
> resolutions even if they are available? My monitor will go up to
> 1600x1440 but in practice I don't find any use in going above 1024x768.
> I know the argument is that you can have more windows open but this
> means you have to squint at small type. If you make the type larger you
> are back where you started.
> I therefore leave mine at 1024x768 and (in icewm) have 9 desktops with
> different apps on each. This seems to me more sensible, or am I missing
> something?

Personal preference, and monitor size, I suspect.  I have a 19"
monitor where I regularly run 1600x1200; I like being able to have a
lot of terminal windows open on the same desktop when I'm coding.

My sparc has a 20" monitor; I run 1280x1024 there.  I find 1024x768 to
be irritating (but obviously YMMV :-)

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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          -- Ramsey Clark

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