On Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 12:03:57AM -0600, Chris Larson wrote:
> I have installed corel linux onto my laptop. Everything looks great and runs
> fine except for three things.
> 1. My ethernet card is not working. I can ping myself but I cannont ping
> anything else.

I have a Dell Latitude CPi A366XT, that I use to write this message from

I use pcmcia pacage 3.1.3 that i have compiled my self, it identifies my
network card as:
Socket 0:
  product info: "3Com Corporation", "3CCFE575BT", "LAN Cardbus Card", "001"
  manfid: 0x0101, 0x5157
  function: 6 (network)

> 2. I have no sound. sndconfig cannot detect a sound card. I think these
> laptops use some Neomagic sound chip.

Thats correct you willl need Linux kernel 2.2.13 or newer :^) To get support
for that sound card. (At least some basic support that lets med listen to
mp3's while writing this...)

> 3. My Gold card 56K modem will dial out but will not connect to my ISP. I
> get the error that the pppd died unexpectedly.

Here I can provide no help at all.

Anders Arnholm                                            .-----------------.
     Sisjö Kullegata 8, 421 32 V. Frölunda                |  open software  |
     Tel. 031-28 21 84 | Fax 031-28 51 66                 `-----------------´
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