A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I have a Slink system which runs very fine with the 2.0.38 kernel. No
> problems or shutdowns at all.


> Now I want to use the 2.2.x kernel because of some features, but I want
> to know first if it is possible to run v2.2.x kernel on a Slink system.

Most definitely - I have four computers with slink and 2.2.x.

> And second, which steps do I have to take to get a stable and safe
> system?

I find that it's enough to simply compile the kernel, and update the part
of the netbase package (specifically ifconfig, route, and a couple
others).  Search http://freshmeat.net for net-tools, download, compile,
and install is all you need to do.

> Last, which kernel is recommended? 2.2.12?

I would go with the latest - 2.2.13.

Phil Brutsche                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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