On Sun, Jan 19, 2003 at 11:18:59AM -0500, Dave W wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-01-19 at 03:56, Ian D. Stewart wrote:
> > NVDriver is the linux kernel module.  nvidia is the X display driver.
> > 
> I might be wrong (sure wouldn't be the first time) but I believe that 
> starting with 4191, the module is called nvidia.  Prior to 4191 the 
> module was called NVdriver.  I had a heck of a time getting 4191 to 
> work after switching from 3123 because of the module name change.
> Running 4191 I show:
> # lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P  
> nvidia               1466944  10 
> and I'm pretty sure it used to say NVdriver there.
> Please, correct me if I'm wrong.  Perhaps I'm confusing the driver
> and the module.  But there was definitely a change with the latest
> version of the commercial nvidia driver and I definitely went through
> h*ll getting it to work.  Ultimately, at least in my case, the problem
> was that on my box that ran the newest version, I had in /etc/modules
> "load nvidia" and on another box running an older version "load 
> NVdriver."

Yes, I've noticed this too.


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