You receive this message because you sent mail to the Linux-IL mailing list without being subscribed to it. Your mail was forwarded to the list moderator, and will be approved when the moderator has time, if he finds your mail appropriate for this list. PLEASE NOTICE THAT HE USUALLY DOESN'T.
Please subscribe to the Linux-IL mailing list by sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the command "subscribe" or "subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]" in the subject. You will receive a message with a cookie, which you will have to send back to the request address. If you already are subscribed to this list from a different address, but want to post from this address, please subscribe from this address, and then send mail to the request address [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the command "set VACATION" in the subject. The VACATION flag means that you don't want to receive mail to this address, though the subscription enables you to sent mail to Linux-IL from this address. The Linux-IL mailing list is run by Listar mailing list manager. For the list of all Listar commands and flags, send mail to with the following commands in the body of the message: help commands flags end For more information about Listar, please visit Listar web site at the following URL: Yours, The Linux-IL administrator. --- Listar v0.124a - job execution complete.