On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Brian Schramm wrote:

bschra >I have a small network at home that I am running named on.  I am also
bschra >using yi.org's free dynamic dns for my internet name.  I have had some
bschra >trouble with my two machines on the prifate network.  If I type 
nslookup I
bschra >get the address of the machine back with a message saying it cannot find
bschra >the name of that machine.  I then go into it with localhost as the 

try removing all 'nameserver' entries from resolv.conf it will cause the
programs to lookup at ..which should work (for me it does) also
make sure that the machine is running a named and it is working, try to
resolve stuff on it from another machine (you may have to add a listen
option in named.conf to have it listen on the right ip(s)/port(s))

bschra >name.  How can I fix this problem?  Also, how can I add some machine
bschra >records to the files.  I have tried following the howto's and the 
bschra >but I have had no luck yet.

best way to do that is to add it to /etc/hosts, and change your
/etc/resolv.conf so it has this in it:

order local,bind

so it will search hosts before it asks the DNS for host info.



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