I only got beta 2 of corel linux (oct 22 1999 build) it appears that it
may be compadible with slink package wise, although it seems QUITE limited
in terms of binary packages compared to slink.. i was and still am very
dissapointed with their lack of selection for applications.  and fear that
their rush to release on nov 15 (i found several bugs within a couple
hours) is a bad mistake.  give corel linux a good 2 months, like anything
wait for the first group of patches before considering it.  i told em they
should continue the beta test for another 5-6 months.  i guess they didn't


On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Nick Wesselman wrote:

nickjj >What exactly does it mean if a distribution is "based on" Debian? Would 
nickjj >packages created for debian work with it? Are new releases "created" 
nickjj >new rew releases of the Debian kernel are? Etc.
nickjj >
nickjj >I'm asking because I've been hearing a lot about Corel Linux and it 
nickjj >pretty nice... i just recently installed Debian on an old 486 that I got
nickjj >from work and I love it, and plan on using it a) to get aquainted with 
nickjj >and b) for some low-level server stuff, like ip masquerading for a 
nickjj >other systems, a small web site, and maybe a small ftp site... But I'm 
a bit
nickjj >frustrated by the normal problems one has moving to linux from windows 
nickjj >I'm a wimp)... lack of GUI-based configuration and management, for 
nickjj >corel's release seems to break down some of those walls.... *shrug*
nickjj >
nickjj >Any answers, kind advice, or constructive criticisms are much 
nickjj >
nickjj >--Nick
nickjj >
nickjj >
nickjj >-- 
nickjj >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
nickjj >

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