On Sun, 2003-01-19 at 21:13, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> This "particular CD is invisible", other CDs are visible from XCDroast.
> Notice that I am able to use readcd and dd. I can burn other CDs, is this
> one the one that is difficult.

Could it be that that one CD is just plain bad, or sufficiently out of
spec, and that's why xcdroast (which is "just" a front-end for cdrecord)
thinks that it's not there?

> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 10:32 PM
> Subject: RE: CD difficult to burn
> > >I posted a message to the list a while ago, some time in the early
> > afternoon
> > >about a CD difficult to burn, but the message got somehow lost. In
> > essence,
> > >how do I burn a CD difficult to burn, using "readcd" or "dd", any one, I
> > >don't really care which tool. I tried dd and readcd, both gave me errors.
> > >From XCDroast the CD is just plain invisible.
> > >dd and readcd read must of the CD but somewhere they got some eror.
> > >Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> > If you can't see CD from Xcdroast then I am assuming your kernel is not
> compiled correctly. If I remember correctly you will need scsi-ide compiled
> > into the kernel.
> > Use dmesg| more to verify whether scsi-ide is in.
> > Note that if scsi-ide is in as well as atapi-cdrom support, atapi-cdom
> will load in first (I am quoting kernel documentation here). This means that
> > scsi-ide is useless with atapi-cdrom compiled in at the same time.
> >
> > Cdrecord would be your tool of choice if you would like to burn your cds
> using CLI.
> >
> > cdrecord parameters will depend on your hardware configuration,
> capabilities, etc.
> >
> > man cdrecord for more, and there is a howto on www.tldp.org.

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
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