On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:21:49 MDT, Art Lemasters writes: > Those darned model numbers are confusing, aren't they? ;-) >I'm running the same driver for my 3c905tx, though. The config >for the 2.2.12 kernel said it was good for both the 3c59x series >and the 3c90x series ethernet cards, IIRC.
the driver will work with the 3x509b, just use the disk that comes with the card and disable plug'n pray if you don't want to mess around with isapnp... &rw -- ----- ___ - Robert Waldner Junior Network Engineer ---- / / / ___ ____ _/_ -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> RW960-RIPE --- /--- / / / / /___/ / --- ----EUnet EDV-DienstleistungsgesmbH---- -- /___ /___/ / / /___ /_ ---- Diefenbachgasse 35 A-1150 Wien - ----- Tel: +43 1 89933 0 Fax: +43 1 89933 533