> I want to make some non-shell accounts and there is a group called user
> in /etc/group.  Is this group used for this purpose?

Yes and No :)

By default users are created with shell access.

I would suggest that when you create the new userid as a member of the
user group you change the shell of the user to /bin/false - that way they
will have no shell access.

adduser  --system  [options] [--home DIR] [--shell SHELL]

where SHELL would be /bin/false

man adduser also gives you more info than I have listed here.

As well, you can always go into /etc/passwd and change the shell of the
user there:

Before: testuser:x:1003:100:Test User,,,:/home/testuser:/bin/bash

After: testuser:x:1003:100:Test User,,,:/home/testuser:/bin/false

Hope that helps.


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