
Get the "kernel package" (dselect or apt-get) & install

unpack kernel-source. etc.

make menuconfig or xconfig

then: make-kpkg clean

then: make kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image

then: cd /usr/src 

then: dpkg -i kernel-image(etc).deb

Everything will install.  No muss, no fuss

Got this formula from the kernel package script "HOWTO"


> Hi,
> can anybody tell me, what do do, if i don't want to do the complicated
> debain way to install a new kernel?
> in former times (SuSE <=6.1 ) i got the sources, and did the
> make menuconfig 
> make dep && make clean && make bzLilo && make modules && make_modules_install
> and that it was.
> Now with debian potato, after booting my new kernel, the was not
> correct, and the System did not start.
> I don't get depmod to make a new modules.dep. I am to stupid for this :-)
> Is it really the only way to make a new kernel-package and install that via
> make-kpkg XXX && dpkg -i my_lovely_new_kernel?
> thanks for help,
> Ingo
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