I have my machine set up so that ctrl-alt-end shuts down. Add the following lone to /etc/inittab (comment out any existing kb::kbrequest line):
kb::kbrequest:shutdown -a -h now I think the default combination for kbrequest signal is alt-uparrow. To change this, you must modify /etc/kbd/default.map. The "kbrequest" signal is called "KeyboardSignal" here. Mine has the following: Keycode 107 = Select control alt keycode 107 = KeyboardSignal I probably had to remove a definition for alt-uparrow. See also: http://howto.linuxberg.com/LDP/HOWTO/Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO.html#toc1 -Steve Stancliff > Is there a best way to shut down linux and turn off your computer? I read > in an online guide that you should press <ctrl><alt><delete>. When I do > this and I later turn my computer on it says "last boot failed"...Then it > installs. Is this the recommended way to turn off your computer? >