Keith Harbaugh wrote:

> Just thought it might be worthwhile to document a little more precisely
> some experiences with Netscape 4.7 [not 4.71, as John later corrected].
> The following command, or its ftp equivalent, fetches the file in question:
> wget 
> To install it, an approach that works fine for me is:
> tar xzf it, then cd and ./ns-install;
> add
>    export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/local/netscape/
>    alias   netscape=$MOZILLA_HOME/netscape
> to your environment, and you're "home" :-) free.
> I tried using the Debian installation method, using .deb's of netscape
> from, back circa March, but for some reason that didn't work for 
> me,
> so I switched to this non-Debian method.
 I have done this type of installation before and it does work fine. i A
word of caution however should be noted. If you install it this way it
will not be registered as part of the debian system and therefore may
not answer some application dependencies. That can be a real problem,
especially for newbies. Thanks.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

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