wow, I just haven't told u about the peer error because it just occured
when I tryed to connect to my isp using the kppp programm. and that's
nothing to do with the connection speed... and I just can't connect with
it even now because I dunno nothing about peers... I think because in
redhat systems there's nothing about it (in the directory /etc/ppp...)
and I haven't need to configure anything like this to connect using
I copyed my pap-secrets and chap-secrets to debian and pppd gives me an
error, telling me that he couldn't authenticate enough to get an ip
address, I dunno right what was on that error... oh, and my provider
uses pap ! but I think it wouldn't help because usually I conect using
terminal based authentication, just to remember my password ;) with pon
and poff it haven't changed too. I still downloading things at 820,
well, I'll see what I can do here.

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