
--- Peter Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have installed Dosemu (, the version that
> is included in
> Debian 3.0), and have some problems getting my
> Swedish keyboard to
> work. I have tested some different configuration,
> and with this:
>   $_rawkeyboard = (0)
>   $_layout = "finnish-latin1"
>   $_keybint = (on)
> I get Swedish characters to work in xdosemu, but not
> in a console or an
> xterm, when I run there nothing happens when I press
> the Swedish keys.
> Furthermore, in console mode I get "emulated" PC8
> graphics. When I ran
> Dosemu earlier (several years ago, and obviously two
> configuration file
> fornmats earlier) I could configure Dosemu to open a
> new virtual
> console and use a PC8 font there. I cannot find that
> optin in,
> does anyone know if it is possible? It's not that
> important, I can
> survive with the ugly line-drawing symbols, the
> important thing is that
> I get the keyboard working.
> Please Cc replies to me, I do not subscribe to this
> list.
> -- 
> \\//
> Peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/
>   I do not read or respond to mail with HTML
> attachments.
> -- 
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