Hi, if someone could help me get my X server + mouse running I'd be very grateful.

Hardware details:
Old AJP 5400 laptop (you won't have heard of it), 75MHz Pentium, 16MB RAM
Trackpad PS/2 mouse
Cirrus Logic 754x display chipset
800x600 LCD display
Debian 3.0r0

The story so far:
I used to have RetHat 6.0 going on this machine and X was fine, so I know it's possible.
1. Started with XFree86-v4, as installed by default. Chose the "cirrus" driver. Debconf configuration didn't start X, error in log file about "No screens found".
2. Ran XFree86 -configure, this came up with an XF86Config.new which used the "vesa" driver. With this, X comes up but mouse not working.
3. After some unsuccessful mucking about, decided to try the XFree86-v3 server, so uninstalled xserver-xfree86 and installed xserver-svga.
4. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-svga produces an XF86Config which allows X to start, but still mouse problems. The cursur does respond to mouse movements, but goes haywire, sticking, jumping and opening menus.
5. xf86config-v3 produces an XF86Config which doesn't work at all, complains about lines such as Modes (null).
6. I had saved off my old XF86Config which used to work under RH6.0, tried this but it chokes on the very first line; complains about Section "Files", saying "File section keyword expected". Don't understand this at all, as the syntax here seems to be that same as the XF86Config files which do work, I even tried copying the Files section over but get the same error....?
7. Went back to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-svga, tried every one of the PS/2 protocols but they all behave the same way. I'm quite sure the mouse is PS/2. Also tried an external mouse plugged into the PS/2 port, and get same result.

I'm attaching XF86Config-RH6 (the old RH6.0 one which used to work), and the current XF86Config produced by dpkg-reconfigure.

Thanks a lot for any help


Attachment: XF86Config-RH6
Description: application/java-applet

Attachment: XF86Config
Description: application/java-applet

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