Steve George writes:
> I'd suggest that you put two nameservers in, one from each ISP, and then
> don't change the config.  Long term you could write a script to edit your
> resolv.conf...

The pppconfig in potato does this.

> So, in your case it may be better to deliver directly,...

Many ISP are now refusing connections from IP's known to be in dynamic

> Your underlying problem probably lies in the fact that you are calling
> two ISP's but your configuration doesn't reflect this - so at least 50%
> of the time some of your settings are more applicable for the other ISP.

For mail you will just have to hack up a script to edit the right
smart_host and visible_name into /etc/smail/config.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            Do with it what you will.
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