I know that on our IBM machines at school, our BIOS displays the school board's logo and says "This computer is Y2K-compatible" (the hype hit our school's admin this summer). These are old machines doing this, so although you may have to flash your BIOS, there might be some way of doing it semi-easily. (I wish I knew how. That'd be sooo cool!)
On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 12:31:37PM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote: > A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said... > > > I have Debian (slink) installed in a Packard Bell, and I want to get rid > > of the Packard Bell banner that shows up at the beginning, when it is > > rebooted. I would like to replace it with the Debian logo, or the Linux > > penguin may be. How do I do it? > > That, I'm afraid, can't be done without replacing the BIOS (the stuff > that's on the motherboard), which not something for the faint of heart. > -- "I already have all the latest software." -- Laura Winslow, "Family Matters" Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Advertising Policy: http://DLitzPower.tripod.com/spamoff.htm GnuPG Public Key: http://DLitzPower.tripod.com/gpgkey.asc Fingerprint: 0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0
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