On Tue, Oct 12, 1999 at 08:06:35PM -0300, Pablo De Napoli wrote: > Hello!
Hi, > > I think that we should consider: > > 1) Create some easy-to-use tools for making debian packages ( not for > experts I mean) in order that everybody can make a debian package and > so debian is updated faster (or perhaps we could get debian packages > from elsewhere , if someone want to make a program freely avaliable it > would be nice that he could make easy a debian package). It's very easy to create debian packages from normal sources. Expecting that you have installed fakeroot and debmake just type: tar xzvf package.tar.gz mv package/ package-x.x (package is the name of the program you want to install, x.x is the version number) cd package-x.x deb-make dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot .us .uc -b then you have a .deb made from the sources. Install it with dpkg -i ../package_x.x-1.deb That's all. It's easy enough, I'd say :-) > 2) Try to agree with the other linux distributions in a uniform package > format . I think we should consider use the "rpm" format for debian. > The are excelent tools from red-hat (under GPL) for installing rpm > ( glint is more intuitive than dselect ) , and let me say that is easy to > find "rpm" packages than "deb". Clear no to that idea. "deb" has a lot more features than "rpm", especially with the dependencies. the current debian package format is the best I've ever seen. Of course you're right that there are a lot more rpm's available than deb's, but I don't really trust those "wild made" packages. With the official debian packages one can be sure that they have an excelent quality. I've discussed that matter with some of the real experts, and we're all sure that debian should stay with the .deb-format. Hope that helps Bye Tobias -- Tobias Zimpel (TZ496-RIPE) Linux - wie win Pinguin im Wasser... E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.startrek-web.de/ Tips für Outlook Express-Nutzer zur besseren Konfiguration des Programms: http://www.trionet.de/~florenzvillegas/OE-FAQ