On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Pollywog wrote:

> I am using SB 16 (Vibra I believe it is called) and I use the OSS-Linux
> drivers, which cost me $20.  They only allow half-duplex.  Are there other
> drivers that allow this card to be used in full-duplex mode?

There seems to be quite a few versions of SB 16 out there, so it can get a
little confusing talking about them.

I have a SoundBlaster ViBRA16C PnP model CT4180 soundcard (as opposed to
the ViBRA16x (not sure if 'x' there is a metacharacter or not) discussed
in the kernel docs and such, mine supports an 8-bit and a 16-bit DMA
AFAICT (at least, the kernel doesn't complain, and the snd_dma16 option is
set to 5). The latest ALSA (0.4.1b) works wonderfully for me (potato,
self-compiled 2.2.12 kernel) in full-duplex mode.

If you want, i can post a rough outline of what i did, and the relavent
config files.

On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Jeff Noxon wrote:

> I believe those cards only allow pseudo-full-duplex operation (ie
> there is some kind of catch to it).

I've never encountered a catch. The manual states that you can only have
one session of simultaneous playback/recording at a time, playback and
recording must use the same [hardware] sample rate, and "you cannot add
reverberation when you play back Wave files", whatever that means.

Speaking of manuals, why does it claim the audio card _requires_ a VGA or
SVGA card?

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