Hi. I use ppp to connect to my provider. When it connects, I can do "ping", everything's OK. However, I can't do ftp or smtp or http; il lasts for years and nothing happens. When I run ftp, I get the message "Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx", and then nothing happens. I can't access the remote machine. I can't read my mail or surf either.
Please help ! Thanks. Petru
begin:vcard n:NOTINGHER;Petru tel;fax:+33 (0) tel;work:+33 (0) x-mozilla-html:TRUE url:lem.univ-montp2.fr org:Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique de MONTPELLIER;Equipe Matériaux ISOLANTS version:2.1 email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED] title:Mr. adr;quoted-printable:;;Universit=E9 MONTPELLIER 2=0D=0ACC 079=0D=0APlace Eug=E8ne BATAILLON;MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5;;34095;FRANCE fn:Petru NOTINGHER end:vcard