There is a very good mailing list about ThinkPads. It can be found at
There can also be found some non TP770 related things.


On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, John Miskinis wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been running the 2.1 debian release (well) on my TP 560
> for a week or so.  I have delved into building my own custom
> kernel, to get around APM problems, add sound, SCSI etc.
> I have read the kernel howtos, and read/printed the various things
> under /usr/linux/src that apply to the "components" I wish to get
> going.
> My latest attempts have been with the kernel-source-2.2.1_2.2.1-1.deb
> sources.
> I figured I'd try adding one piece at a time.  My first attempt
> made APM (suspend/resume) work once only.  Other attemps got my
> mic linked to my speaker, but no /dev/mixer or /dev/audio devices.
> SO, I want to start again from scratch.  When I make "bzdisk" and
> boot, I think it is using the existing "conf.modules" which is
> not compatible with the newly built kernels.
> I'm hoping that there is some material out there I can read, which
> explains EVERYTHING I have to do.  I suspect that I missing several
> key steps, and do not know where else to look.
> I am very willing to put the time in to get things right, I figure
> this time I will start with SOUND, then go onto the PCMCIA, SCSI,
> APM, etc.., adding one thing at a time.
> ANY suggestions, pointers to more in-depth docs, etc, would be AWESOME
> Many thanks,
> John
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If the box says 'Windows 95 or better', it should run on Linux, right?
                                                               - anonymous

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