> I'm fairly sure that the serial conifg is OK, as I can get out with cu -l > /dev/ttyS1, but when I try to start pppd, it complains about cu having > the serial line and won't let it at it.
Odd. I just tried cu on this system and it complains that the line is in use. Pon works fine. Is there anything in /var/lock? This might be a bug in cu. > Aug 4 19:16:01 castle chat[621]: send (ATZ^M) > Aug 4 19:16:01 castle chat[621]: expect (OK) > Aug 4 19:16:46 castle chat[621]: alarm > Aug 4 19:16:46 castle chat[621]: send (AT^M) > Aug 4 19:16:46 castle chat[621]: expect (OK) > Aug 4 19:17:31 castle chat[621]: alarm > Aug 4 19:17:31 castle chat[621]: Failed Your modem is failing to respond. What happens when you send it 'ATZ' from cu? Please post your /etc/chatscripts/provider and /etc/ppp/peers/provider files. -- John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler) Dancing Horse Hill Elmwood, WI