
The extra features are multiple -- the package management is by far the best
I have ever seen in any product. (I haven't tried FreeBSD yet, though.. I
hear it is nice too. :)

The updates are far more often. (Security patches are released within hours
of finding the problems..)

There are far more debian developers than redhat developers -- meaning each
package gets more attention that their red-hat counterpart, as well as
updated more often.

Debian is not without its downsides though. I have yet to find them,
however. (teehee! ;)

As for the cheeziest, I hear doritos are the cheeziest. (Actually, what did
you mean? :)

On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 08:47:19PM -0500, Fredrick Schmitt wrote:
> Is the setup text based or graphial? What are the extra features this
> opperating system has over my RH6 box? What system would be the
> cheeziest I could run it on?
> -- 
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