On Tue 09/14/99 12:48PM, Guilherme Soares Zahn wrote:
> I don think it's a good policy to have the 'down' key to move you to the
> next message... sometimes we only want to go down a single line... What
> about using 'n' for 'next message' and 'p' for 'previous message' (and
> the cursor keys for their intuitive funcions)????

That _is_ annoying, but easily fixed. I have the following in my

  bind pager <pageup> previous-page
  bind pager <pagedown> next-page
  set pager_stop
  bind pager <up> previous-line
  bind pager <down> next-line

I got this info from some links I accessed  from the mutt home page.

                 (                       __   _
Mark Wagnon       )     Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) www.debian.org _\_v____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

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