While the others probably have more sound advice (no pun
intended) one thing I just dealt with was the devices.  It said that it
would create the necessary ones (/dev/sndstat, /dev/audio, etc) but my
installation did not for some reason.  Had to use the script at the end of
the readme.Linux in (I believe) /usr/src/2.0.36/drivers/sound in order to
create them.  After having the support in the kernel, worked just fine

                On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 08:41:38AM +0200, Gustavo Gonzalez
                > Hi to all,
                > I turned to Debian recently. I installed Debian 2.1
(slink) with the
                > stable kernel 2.0.36 (and I didn't upgrade it to 2.2.x)
and it works
                > fine to my purposes (math computations and multivariate
analysis). I
                > installed my printer and configured my internet connection
by modem via
                > kppp (KDE) wiithout problems. However I cannot get sound
from my sound
                > card. I have a typical Creative SB16 PnP. I tried
isapnptools to
                > suitable configure it without success. I though about
disabling the BIOS
                > PnP option , but I prefer to send this query to the group
befor acting.
                > Would someone help me please? Ay ideas?
                > Thank you in advance
                > --
                > A. Gustavo Gonzalez   linux user #101379
                > Universidad de Sevilla
                > http://www.eumetrics.us.es
                > Linux: Altius, citius, fortius
                > -- 
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                Brian Lavender

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