Seth R Arnold wrote:
> I got that error message yesterday (with S == 1 on VC1, S == 2 on VC2..)
> when I tried to overclock my system beyond where it likes to be overclocked.
> Overclocking it just slightly instead of a lot fixed the problem.
> On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 09:12:30AM -0500, Koyote wrote:
> > I'm showing this periodically, and I haven't a clue what it is:
> >
> > INIT: id "S" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> >
> > Anyone know what this is?

I've got the same problem on an older 486 laptop; once upon a
time it had Debian on it and I had no problems; then it was
temporarily given over to the dark side and had Win95 put on it.
When I got it back, I wiped the drive and did a new install of
Debian, but I did a minimal install (bypassed the dselect stage
of the just-after-base install), and have only added packages as
I've found a need for them. During the initial install I think I
did something wrong with the PCMCIA modules, because they never
load properly. I have to stop and then start the PCMCIA init
script. As soon as I do this, the getty line is added to
/etc/inittab (it's not there originally), and then I start
getting the error messages. Everything works, except every five
minutes or so my screen fills up with the "respawning too fast"
message. It's annoying, but I haven't yet found the problem, and
I don't use the laptop enough to diligently search for an answer.
I did post on this list about it some weeks ago, but didn't get
an answer. (I'm not trying to get an answer now either; just
wanted to let Koyote know my experience in case it offers him a

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