Hey guys -- I have setup squid on my masquing box
(sarnold.resnet.willamette.edu, sarnold is in the hosts file on amidala..)
to run on port 3128, and netscape seems to like that just fine (well, it
runs blazing fast these days.. :)

How can I tell if apt is using my squid proxy? Here is my apt.conf file:

$ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf 
        Aquire {
                http {
                        Proxy http://sarnold:3128/

(the one on sarnold looks identicle, except "sarnold" was replaced with

Since it is running masq, it still works perfectly -- but I figure there is
no need to download from the servers twice. :)

BTW -- have I mentioned how cool apt is? jeeze, beautiful. :)

Seth Arnold | http://www.willamette.edu/~sarnold/
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