
I'm having some troubles with the standard ftp daemon.
It runs from inetd on a non standard port (5222, i added that to
/etc/services) and has the following line:

#:OTHER: Other services
dixo            stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd
/usr/sbin/in.ftpd -dl

but when I try to connect to it as a normal user (also dixo) the
connection is closed before the passwd prompt.

De user is not listed in /etc/ftpusers and the PAM file is unmodified.
It used to work, but somehow it broke.

$ ftp
ftp> open localhost 5222
Connected to localhost.
220 MY HOSTNAME FTP server (Version 6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) ready.
Name (localhost:dixo): dixo
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
Login failed.
No control connection for command: Permission denied

This is in my syslog:
Sep  6 22:44:22 DeSchacht in.ftpd[14147]: connect from localhost
Sep  6 22:44:22 DeSchacht ftpd[14147]: connection from localhost
Sep  6 22:44:22 DeSchacht ftpd[14147]: <--- 220
Sep  6 22:44:22 DeSchacht ftpd[14147]: FTP server (Version 
6.2/OpenBSD/Linux-0.10) ready.
Sep  6 22:44:25 DeSchacht ftpd[14147]: command: USER dixo

Strangely enough, anonymous access seems to works.

Can anyone help out? I don't know what causes the No control connection.

- Olaf

PS: I know the standerd ftpd is not as secure as proftpd (which I use on
the standerd ftp-port), so save the "just use proftpd" comments please.

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