
On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 03:18:48PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I need to install xfree86 (so that I can get a Nvidia RIVA TNT-2
> vid card working.. if there is another way to do this without getting
> xfree86, i'd love to know.. ) anyhow, when i tried installing
> using the instructions on their web site, i get the error "Error in
> loading shared libraries: undefined symbol: register_frame_info." when
> loading XF86Setup or trying to startx. Any ideas on what I can do to fix
> this, or a different way to get this video card working?

We have a Diamond Viper V770-Ultra (TNT2 Chipset) running succesfully here.

Get the SVGA Xserver from the Nvidia website:


Then follow the following links: drivers, Linux, pick an FTP site, or read
the FAQ.

I got the following file from their ftp site:


That tarball contains a replacement for the SVGA server. It works in Slink.
It has glx support in it, and also support for VMware.

This setup works very well, we have run Quake II (with glx acceleration),
and Quake III arena-test.

Your other option is to update to one of the latest X-Free versions. Nvidia
helped with the drivers, and I think that the TNT2 is supported as of Xfree
3.3.4 .

Good Luck,

Alexis Maldonado
Disenos y Montajes S.A.



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