[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I recently purchased this book, being interested in the Debian distro, and > would like to install it on a computer that cannot boot from the cdrom. I > read through the book until I got to chapter 2, page 20, where it gives > directions on how to make a bootup floppy from the included cd with which to > install Debian. However, the procedures outlined include accessing > directories and files which were not on the disc. Specifically, there is no > subdirectory "DISK-I386" of d:\dists\slink\main.
>From debian weekly news: Anyone who bought the first printing of "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage" got a book with binary CD #2 in the back, instead of CD #1 which is required to install Debian. The publisher is aware of the mistake and is offering [12]free replacement CDs. 12. http://www.newriders.com/debian/badcd.html -- see shy jo