On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:

> is the localhost ( your machine ). Unless
> your machine is acting as the name server names will not be
> secolved.  You will have to get the name server from the network
> administrator. 

I'm fully aware that is the localhost, and (as stated
in my initial request) I do have a fully functional nameserver on
my loclahost. BUT I don't want to add temporary names for
testmachines etc into the named.

The problem is that the hosts file doesn't get used when resolving
hostnames even though my /etc/host.conf says it should be
primarily used.

Any suggestions ...

--- Forwarding my initial request ----

My problem is that the /etc/hosts files doesn't seem to be used
when resolving hostnames.

I'm runing Debian 2.1 r2 with
Linux kernel 2.2.11   (downloaded recompiled source)
glibc 2.0.7           (libc6_2.0.7.19981211-6.deb)
libresolv 2.0.7       (libc6_2.0.7.19981211-6.deb) 

Here are some config files. Things whithin <> of course
have real values in the files.

--- /etc/resolv.conf -----------------------------------
search <domain1.net> <domain2.net> <domain3.net>
nameserver <ipaddress>
nameserver <ipaddress>
nameserver <ipaddress>

--- /etc/host.conf -------------------------------------
order hosts,bind
multi on

--- /etc/hosts -----------------------------------------       localhost
<ipaddress1>    <hostname1.domain1.net> <hostname1>
<ipaddress2>    <hostname2.domain2.net> <hostname2>
<ipaddress3>    <hostname3>

... and so on.

I have a working nameserver and no problems with DNS registered
names. But for hosts not in the DNS but only in the /etc/hosts
file the names can't be resolved.

Ex. (% == shell prompt):

% ping <ipaddress3>
PING <ipaddress3> (<ipaddress3>): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from <ipaddress3>: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.3 ms
64 bytes from <ipaddress3>: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.6 ms

% ping <hostname3>
ping: unknown host <hostname3>

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