The problem with httptunnel is that at work I have windows 95 computer
and I am not alowed to install any software on it. In fact each night
any installed software is erased.
Do I have two problem
1. I do not know of htc for windows 95
2. I am not sure that I can get away by installing any software on the cmupter
   at work, unless I can have it on a floppy disk

> Oz Dror wrote:
> > have DSL at home, at work I have an internet access through proxy
> >but only http access is alowed. telnet, ftp and irc are blocked.
> >
> >is there a way to access my home computer using http session simulating
> >telnet session.
> >
> >is there a free version of http server that I could install on my computer
> >that would emulate telnet session for incoming http calls.
> I believe what you're after is "httptunnel". In unstable, I think.
> (no, I've never had a need to use it, so I don't know anything else
> about it; sorry).
> -- 

NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          <<Linux  since 8/15/94>>
PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126


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