
I have a question about the snmp package in potato

I just ran some package upgrades today and some of the packages that got
updated were the snmp packages.  (now at 3.6.2-8)  I see that they now also
mention something about being UCD.

Well, my question is this...after upgrading the packages, my MRTG machine
can no longer talk to my machine to get readings.  Watching in xconsole, I'm
seeing a message come up saying:

Aug 26 16:36:06 lusitania snmpd: Connection from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX refused

(I removed the IP address for posting)

Has something changed with the package that I need to go in and configure
access somehow??  looking at changelog files and such, I'm having difficulty
getting any clue as to what is going on here.  Any help would be greatly


|                   |                                                 |
|                   |       E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                |
|    Ken Long       |       Voice:    (757)543-6801 x 392             |
|                   |       FAX:      (757)494-0733                   |
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|    The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of  |
|                          Metro Machine Corp.                        |

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