I am using SLINK and wget to retrieve netscape-4.6 standalone
during the night.
It takes 2 nights, and so I have to terminate wget at the end of the
first night (14.4k modem). But when I tried to tar xvzf the archive,
I got something like that after about 1 or 2 screens of stuff uncompressed:
gzip: unexpected EOF in netscape... internal format violated

The first time I thaught I had probably ended wget badly, something
like using Ctrl-\ rather than Ctrl-C.
But the second time I stopped it by doing a
kill -SIGINT (wget process ID). Oh, I need to do that because I am
launching it from an at job launching my executable file getnav
to retrieve the navigator, this one is a one file line:
wget -c 

There is also something weird (at least according to me) going on.
After I have terminate wget, I can sometimes see the file continue to grow
as I continue to receive it on the modem (RD led getting red), and
that I do some vdir nav*, even if on root I see no process able to
do it with ps a. Nothing either in atq. Looks like once begun, the kernel
was able to finish the transfer by itself.

By the way, maybe I am totally insane to think that I will be able to run
this navigator on my 486DX-33MHz with 8Mb ram (64Mb virtual however :-) ).
My main reason to get it is mainly to get be able to access a web page 
that need a weird field (http-referer I think), and my lynx browser 
from Slink does not send this, he! maybe a recent Lynx would do it. 
Anyway, knowing how to transfer a big file on slow connection 
is usefull to me.


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