On Sat, Aug 21, 1999 at 11:14:40AM +0200, Fam. Engelen wrote:
> I have recompiled my kernel (slink, kernel 2.0.36 i think?) to support
> sound. I can now play waveforms catting to /dev/audio, s3mod works and I can
> play xkoules and quake with sound. The problem is that the volume is
> extremely low. The sound is very faint even when I turn the amp up to 100%,
> while in Windoze it works fine at 5-10%. I set the volume to the maximum
> with a mixer (aumix, xmix), too, which helped just a little. Has anybody had
> this problem, too? Any possible solutions? Thanks in advance,
> Arnout Engelen
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (since i'm having some trouble with my mail server,
> please CC me at that adress, too).

Dont forget to set the pcm volume too (aumix -v 100 -w 100).

I used to have something like 
        post-install es1370 /usr/local/bin/aumix -v 90 -w 100 -c 100 -l 100
now I use
        post-install snd-audiopci1370 /usr/sbin/alsactl restore
        pre-remove snd-audiopci1370 /usr/sbin/alsactl store

This way if ur sound driver gets unloaded the volume is saved (I think the
pre-remove option only works on 2.2 kernels though).

If that does not work, sorry...


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