Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to compile a 2.0.36 kernel on my potato system, but I
> keep getting this error:
>   init/main.c: In function `get_options':
>   init/main.c:272: warning: subscript has type `char'
>   make: *** [init/main.o] Error 1

My guess is that your gcc is too new. In my potato system I have 
these too compilers installed:

% gcc --version
% gcc272 --version

When I just tried compiling 2.0.36 kernel, I had to edit the 
toplevel kernel Makefile and replace all the instances of string 
"gcc" with "gcc272" to get the compile going.

You might want to do the same thing and install the gcc272 package.
Read /usr/doc/gcc272/README.Debian for more info about the old and 
new gcc.

> I've downloaded the sources from several places, but it still
> bails.

Your source is probably correct, you just need the correct 
> I am able to compile a 2.2.* kernel (at least I was a couple
> weeks ago).

Same here. 2.2.* compiles with the newer gcc, but the older 
kernels need older gcc.
> Any ideas?

I hope this helps,

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen                  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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