I use Netscape Messenger and IMAP instead of POP3 to talk to my mail server. This allows me to keep my mail on the server and "sync" up multiple machines -- whatever OS I'm running, whatever... there's usually a version of Netscape Messenger available for it.
To get my mail delivered into folders, like mailing lists, etc... I use procmail. On the machine where the mail gets delivered, all mail goes through procmail and it sorts it and puts it into the correct "folders", which are really just mail files. Then since IMAP understands that I'm "subscribed" to these different folders, I can access them from Netscape and the read-mail flags and whatnot stay synced up nicely from machine to machine. I don't know if this would help you get to what you want, as I've not played around to see what Netscape will do for PGP. In addition, if I need a quick check on mail, I can run pine or mutt or elm, or any other standard mail program that understands user home directory mailbox folders and check mail via ssh or dialup modem connection to a tty behind the firewall... works very nicely. I think many of these programs would do the PGP sigs properly with the appropriate add-on's -- there's a PGP signature add-on in a package for pine, and I know there are others on this mailing list that use mutt and elm that have their sigs added and incoming sigs checked for them also. I just wanted to suggest IMAP as a solution if you have multiple machines you check mail from... it makes management of large folders of mail very easy. Only thing I've run into that I don't like about Netscape Messenger is that there's a command in the windows version called "Synchronize" for off-line mail reading, and there's no equivalent in the Unix version. Annoying, but livable. On Sun, 8 Aug 1999, Peter Palfrader aka Weasel wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > > Hi there. I'm currently using netspace's messenger but it does not > completly meet my needs. > > I'm looking for a mail client that has nested folders and good filters > for moving incoming messages to dedicated folders (reply-to > filter!). Another must is PGP support. SMTP and POP3 would be nice but > are not a necessity. > > I've looked into mutt but it seems as if PGP support can only > automatically verify messages that have a mime part > application/pgp-signature. It cannot handle signatures that are (like > this one) embedded in the mail text (please correct me if I'm > wrong). > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: PGP 6.5.1 > Comment: http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~ppalfrad > > iQCVAwUBN637Zr/AUNfRo6MpAQHWnwQAkp+XHrg6XPoOTngOyC6SVredxFYosnIU > bIkBzyJr/Wh8jBgpBwX780NVH/dnJI1cCdt41uir8PQAe/xEb6IM2iZt5xXZmauC > dUx8zWg5TAcsKQ3PA4t7qmD+gu+fyQO8Il1bKgB1Md9axS1ENS7p/qOxq2lzcWkF > OkU5wsVE6q4= > =Up+5 > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > -- > Weasel http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/~ppalfrad/ > PGP encrypted messages prefered. See my site for my PGP key. > -------------------------------------------------------------- > The software said Windows95 or better, so I got Linux... > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > > +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Nate Duehr - [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Support Amateur Radio & Linux! | | Private Pilot, Telephony Engineer | Ham Callsign: N0NTZ | | UNIX Hack, Perl Hack, Tech-Freak | Grid Square: DM79 | | | "May the Source be with you." | +-----------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | HamRadio and Linux mailing lists available for interested parties: | | http://www.natetech.com/mailman/listinfo | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+